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Saturday, 24 November 2012


A customer called into Hungerford Arcade and purchased a very large model of a World War Two Churchill Tank which he had seen in the Arcade's Remembrance window the previous week. He purchased the Tank for £600 from the owner, Pete Marsh (
Unit 129) who was very pleased with the sale.  Pete and his daughter, Laura, felt very strongly that they would like to make a donation of £100 from the sale of the Tank to Hungerford Arcade's sponsored charity, Walking With the Wounded, which was received with much gratitude.

Friday, 16 November 2012


Hungerford Arcade is THE place to go for your Christmas shopping. You can buy all your presents under one roof in a wonderful relaxed, friendly and helpful atmosphere. The gifts you buy from £1 to several thousand of pounds will be totally unique, which takes all the stress out of Christmas shopping when not having to worry that someone else has bought the same present you have chosen for that certain person. If you feel like a break from shopping, then go up to Rafters Cafe at the top of the Arcade and enjoy home-made food and friendly service.

Monday, 12 November 2012


What a beautiful Sunday morning in November, the warm sun shone brightly in Hungerford as the band played their instruments and the different groups of people prepared to march to the War Memorial. With Poppy Wreaths in hand and banners raised.   A beautiful old bi-plane flew low, first up and then down the High Street saluting the fallen of the many conflicts. There was a huge turnout for the Remembrance Day parade spearheaded by the Mayor of Hungerford, Martin Crane, other town dignitaries and The Royal British Legion The armed services were represented by men and women of the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force and many old soldiers.  There were children from the Sea Scouts, Cubs, Brownies Girl Guides, Hungerford Primary School and many others.  Members of the public lined-up on both sides of  the road waiting to pay their respects.  There was a wonderful display of vintage military vehicles outside Hungerford Arcade where they had a window dedicated to The Fallen.  This had brought back many memories some good and some very sad, to the many people, old and young who had stopped and looked.  It was very surprising, yet comforting to see young adults genuinely moved by everything they saw and the stories they heard!  As the Town Hall clock began to strike at 11 o'clock, the whole of Hungerford stood in silence - They Were Remembered!. 

Saturday, 10 November 2012


Two brothers, Derek and Bryan Pheasant, lost their Great Uncle Sam in the First World War at Ypres. He was never found, but his two Great Nephews have brought his memory to life by doing everything they can to commemorate a hero, their Great Uncle Sam, whom they never met, but admire so much! How very, very, moving it was reading their story about Great Uncle Sam. What a wonderful looking young man and such a great loss. The Menin Gate is very famous and the the people of 
Belgium and in particular Leper (Ypres), honour their Great Uncle Sam and the other fifty four thousand men who were never recovered from he trenches and the battlefields. Tribute is paid every day of the year to those brave men whose names are carved onto the sandstone walls. Even the school children are very proud to look after this wonderful Memorial and are taught from a very young age, why it is there and what it represents so it really does mean a lot to them. Ypres was made famous by the bravery of our dear young soldiers, who were gassed, shot and more and had to endure the most harrowing conditions which we can never imagine. Poppies grew on the battlefields (and still do to this day) in and around Ypres where sadly, much blood once flowed. It is from these fields that the Poppy came to be the fitting tribute to Honour the Fallen of All Conflicts.
A picture of Great Uncle Sam will be in the Commemorative window at Hungerford Arcade.
This is a picture of Great Uncle Sam! More pictures will be posted shortly!