Monday, 31 December 2012
Hi everyone,
I was back behind the counter yesterday and had a brilliant day. We had lovely people in from Canada, Germany and I must mention the lady from Wales as well as from across the UK! Some people came from the North of England and the South-West and bravely drove through flooded roads to get here. We were very busy but still had time for a chat with the customers as we packed their purchases. They wrote wonderful things about us in our visitors book and even signed-up to receive our free Newsletter by e-mail which we really appreciated. Our Newsletter is sent worldwide via e-mail. If you would like to sign up for it, just e-mail us at and we will do the rest!
New Year's Eve, the rain has been absolutely pouring down all day but, Hungerford Arcade was buzzing with excited people looking forward to a night of celebration. Some customers were buying buttons, jewellery, and other things to decorate their costumes and hair for their fancy dress parties! Others were buying retro kitchen tools, lovely glasses, dishes and plates, some of which were very unusual. One gentleman bought a beautiful Victorian silver plated pedestal urn with a lovely tap on the front. He said that he was going to fill-it up with champagne (not very expensive champagne) to impress his friends who will love it and think its very "cool"! Diamond rings were purchased, hopefully for a few New Year proposals! (I'm such a romantic). Me, I'm not sure what I am doing this New Year's Eve. Have had a few invitations and our village hall is holding a huge party with live music, which will be great but, I am back behind the counter tomorrow so will need a clear head! I and the management and staff at Hungerford Arcade wish you all and very, very Happy and Peaceful New Year! Ritax
Saturday, 29 December 2012
I am back behind the counter tomorrow (Sunday), Monday and New Year's Day (Tuesday), giving help and support to all our customers. I and my colleagues will be unlocking cabinets and showing customers the things they have expressed an interest in. It could be something that has caught their eye or it could be a gift for someone to say thank you or that special gift that says, I love you! We also have walk-in units where you can handle items of all discriptions, furniture, pictures or even a small ornament and bring it with you to purchase at the counter. We are very popular with young children who wish to spend their pocket money on something for themselves or buy a gift for a family member. We have a wonderful selection of antiques, vintage and retro items from Lalique, scientific instruments and collectables. You can spend from as little as 50p right the way up to thousands of pounds. Whatever it is, you will find it at Hungerford Arcade Antiques & Collectables. It is the most relaxed atmosphere you will find in any retail outlet and this is reflected in what our customers write in our Visitor's Book. We love our customers and have lots of fun with them! For all of our wonderful friends and customers who live across the Oceans, come back and see us soon. Rita
Friday, 28 December 2012
A huge big thank you to all our followers from around the World! It is fantastic and means so very much to us that you are interested in our Antiques Arcade and what we are doing. The managers, staff and stallholders at Hungerford Arcade wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful New Year! Ritax
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great Christmas and are all looking forward to the New Year celebrations in a few days time. At Hungerford Arcade, we re-opened on Thursday, 27th Dec and will remain open over the whole of the New Year! We only close for three days during the year; Christmas Day, Boxing Day and Easter Sunday, the rest of the time it is all yours, to shop 'til your heart's content!
Sunday, 23 December 2012
A huge thank you to all our customers who attended the Carol singing by our staff at the Arcade today and for your generous donations to our sponsored Charity, Walking With The Wounded. This charity was set up to help all our Service men and women who come back home, having been injured in war zones. They all need a lot of help and support to cope with their life changing injuries. We hold a lot of events throughout the year to raise money for this wonderful charity. I will be posting a diary of events in the New Year so you can see what is going on. Thank you once again.
All the staff and stallholders at Hungerford Arcade wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Monday, 17 December 2012
HUNGERFORD ARCADE ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: A VICTORIAN EXTRAVAGANZA WITH WEEKEND ROYAL VISIT: Hi everyone, I've been away for a while after being struck down by a terrible bout of flu! I am now back catching up with you all. We have ...
We have had a fabulous weekend at the Arcade. Kate, Duchess of Cambridge and her mother came shopping in Hu
ngerford on Saturday and called-in at the Arcade. Customers from the Arcade and other shops said how radiant and beautiful she was and looked a picture of health!
Friday night at the amazing Victorian Extravaganza, the Artful Dodger was collared by Mr. Plod inside the Arcade trying to commit a dastardly deed! (see picture).
Friday night at the amazing Victorian Extravaganza, the Artful Dodger was collared by Mr. Plod inside the Arcade trying to commit a dastardly deed! (see picture).
The Artful Dodger, played by Ann Parker and Mr. Plod played by Ann Hutchins. Second photo with witnesses, Gale and Rita. Great laugh!
Sunday, 2 December 2012
HUNGERFORD ARCADE ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: HUNGERFORD ARCADE ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: CAROL S...: Carol singing will be taking place around the Christmas Tree inside Hungerford Arcade on Sunday, 9th December at 2.30 p.m. We hope to raise...
Carol singing will be taking place around the Christmas Tree inside Hungerford Arcade on Sunday, 9th December at 2.30 p.m. We hope to raise lots of money for our sponsored charity, Walking With the Wounded which does wonderful work for our Service men and women who come back from conflicts injured and disabled. So do please come along and join your support will be very much welcome.
While at the Arcade, you can do all your Christmas Shopping and stop for a cup of tea, upstairs in Rafters Cafe.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
A customer called into Hungerford Arcade and purchased a very large model of a World War Two Churchill Tank which he had seen in the Arcade's Remembrance window the previous week. He purchased the Tank for £600 from the owner, Pete Marsh (
Unit 129) who was very pleased with the sale. Pete and his daughter, Laura, felt very strongly that they would like to make a donation of £100 from the sale of the Tank to Hungerford Arcade's sponsored charity, Walking With the Wounded, which was received with much gratitude.
Friday, 16 November 2012
Hungerford Arcade is THE place to go for your Christmas shopping. You can buy all your presents under one roof in a wonderful relaxed, friendly and helpful atmosphere. The gifts you buy from £1 to several thousand of pounds will be totally unique, which takes all the stress out of Christmas shopping when not having to worry that someone else has bought the same present you have chosen for that certain person. If you feel like a break from shopping, then go up to Rafters Cafe at the top of the Arcade and enjoy home-made food and friendly service.
Monday, 12 November 2012
What a beautiful Sunday morning in November, the warm sun shone brightly in Hungerford as the band played their instruments and the different groups of people prepared to march to the War Memorial. With Poppy Wreaths in hand and banners raised. A beautiful old bi-plane flew low, first up and then down the High Street saluting the fallen of the many conflicts. There was a huge turnout for the Remembrance Day parade spearheaded by the Mayor of Hungerford, Martin Crane, other town dignitaries and The Royal British Legion The armed services were represented by men and women of the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force and many old soldiers. There were children from the Sea Scouts, Cubs, Brownies Girl Guides, Hungerford Primary School and many others. Members of the public lined-up on both sides of the road waiting to pay their respects. There was a wonderful display of vintage military vehicles outside Hungerford Arcade where they had a window dedicated to The Fallen. This had brought back many memories some good and some very sad, to the many people, old and young who had stopped and looked. It was very surprising, yet comforting to see young adults genuinely moved by everything they saw and the stories they heard! As the Town Hall clock began to strike at 11 o'clock, the whole of Hungerford stood in silence - They Were Remembered!.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Two brothers, Derek and Bryan Pheasant, lost their Great Uncle Sam in the First World War at Ypres. He was never found, but his two Great Nephews have brought his memory to life by doing everything they can to commemorate a hero, their Great Uncle Sam, whom they never met, but admire so much! How very, very, moving it was reading their story about Great Uncle Sam. What a wonderful looking young man and such a great loss. The Menin Gate is very famous and the the people of
Belgium and in particular Leper (Ypres), honour their Great Uncle Sam and the other fifty four thousand men who were never recovered from he trenches and the battlefields. Tribute is paid every day of the year to those brave men whose names are carved onto the sandstone walls. Even the school children are very proud to look after this wonderful Memorial and are taught from a very young age, why it is there and what it represents so it really does mean a lot to them. Ypres was made famous by the bravery of our dear young soldiers, who were gassed, shot and more and had to endure the most harrowing conditions which we can never imagine. Poppies grew on the battlefields (and still do to this day) in and around Ypres where sadly, much blood once flowed. It is from these fields that the Poppy came to be the fitting tribute to Honour the Fallen of All Conflicts.
A picture of Great Uncle Sam will be in the Commemorative window at Hungerford Arcade.
This is a picture of Great Uncle Sam! More pictures will be posted shortly!
A picture of Great Uncle Sam will be in the Commemorative window at Hungerford Arcade.
This is a picture of Great Uncle Sam! More pictures will be posted shortly!
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Hungerford Arcade has arranged with the West Berkshire Classic Vehicle Club Members, who have kindly agreed to display their vintage military vehicles outside the Arcade on Sunday, 4th November 2012, arriving at approximately 10.00 a.m. to raise much needed funds for the Royal Bristish Legion Poppy Appeal. We will also have a special window which is dedicated to one of our Armed Services and this year, it is the Army. Do come along and see these amazing vehicles and talk with the owners who will be very pleased to answer your questions.
Friday, 26 October 2012
HUNGERFORD ARCADE ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: TOY VALUATION DAY, SATURDAY, 27TH: TOY VALUATION DAY SATURDAY 27TH OCTOBER 11.00 A.M. Don't forget to come to Alan and Tony's Toy Valuation Day at Hungerford Arcade, tomo...
Monday, 22 October 2012
HUNGERFORD ARCADE ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: VINYL RECORD VALUATION DAY WAS A GREAT SUCCESS!: Adam Thompson's vinyl record valuation day was a great success and we would like to thank Adam and everyone who brought their vinyl records ...
Adam Thompson's vinyl record valuation day was a great success and we would like to thank Adam and everyone who brought their vinyl records in to be valued. We also thank everyone for their very kind donations to our sponsored charity, Walking With the Wounded.
Don't forget next Saturday, 27th October, is our Toy and Model Valuation Day with Alan and Tony. Do please come along and get your toys valued and help a good cause at the same time. Alan and Tony also buy, so if you want to sell, they are your men!
Don't forget next Saturday, 27th October, is our Toy and Model Valuation Day with Alan and Tony. Do please come along and get your toys valued and help a good cause at the same time. Alan and Tony also buy, so if you want to sell, they are your men!
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Adam Thompson (unit 50) Hungerford Arcade is holding a Vinyl Record Valuation Day on Saturday, 20th October at 10.30 a.m. Adam is an expert in this field so bring along your vinyl records and get an on-the-spot valuation. You may even be able to sell them.
The valuations are totally free, but ask if you will kindly make a £1 donation to our sponsored charity, Walking With the Wounded.
The staff at Hungerford Arcade are very friendly and helpful, so please ask if you need help.
The valuations are totally free, but ask if you will kindly make a £1 donation to our sponsored charity, Walking With the Wounded.
The staff at Hungerford Arcade are very friendly and helpful, so please ask if you need help.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Philip Brown will be in Hungerford Arcade from 10.30 a.m. on Saturday the 20th October to give valuations on violins, other stringed instruments squeeze boxes and musical boxes. Philip is very knowledgeable about these instruments and also does full restorations. So come along and see some of Philips own very fine instruments!
Saturday, 6 October 2012
What a great day we had at Hungerford Arcade today! The amazing Psychic Medium, and author, Patrick Mcnamara, came in today and after making his purchases, gave us a talk on what he does and how everything that you see on his television programme is factual and actually happens. We and our customers were all enthralled at what he was telling us. We knew Hungerford Arcade is haunted, but what he told us was amazing and we will remember it always! We can't wait for him to come back!
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Hungerford Arcade had an unexpected visitor yesterday. The Crown Princess of Thailand. This is the Princess's second visit to the Arcade. She came a few months ago with the Crown Prince. We were asked to respect their privacy - which we did. They are very private people and do not like to be photographed when they are out on personal visits so, I am sorry, we do not have any photographs to show you!
We would like to say a big thank you to the Crown Princess and hope you enjoy your purchases!
Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Hungerford Arcade is a delightful place to be on a damp, dark, miserable day, so come along and cheer yourself up in the wonderful friendly atmosphere that is Hungerford Arcade!
Hungerford Arcade
We had an accordion for sale in the Arcade today which a customer picked up and started to play. He was very good and everyone was delighted. Thank you kind sir!
Hungerford Arcade
One of the many hundreds of beautiful items you will find in the Arcade. There is something for everyone from as little as 50p to thousands of pounds. The choice is amazing. No wonder we were voted the Best!
Sunday, 30 September 2012
What a wonderful weekend we've at Hungerford Arcade with people coming in from near and far, both UK and Worldwide. Everyone has such an enjoyable time when they visit and many stay in touch with us and subscribe to our Newsletter!
Many overseas customers return to the Arcade year after year. They love the relaxed atmosphere and the friendly and helpful people, always willing to go that extra mile for each individual customer!
Everyone loves and admires the Arcade and how it has been beautifully and sympathetically laid out in keeping with such a historic building! The unsung heroes of Hungerford Arcade are its owners, Adrian Gilmore and Hazel Browne. They had been at the Arcade for many, many years when they heard that the building was going to be sold to developers and made into apartments! Adrian and Hazel were so shocked by this, they decided that they had to buy the building to preserve it as an Antiques centre. They continue to work tirelessly for the good of the Arcade and its one hundred plus stallholders which is why, when it was announced in April by BBC's Homes & Antiques Magazine that Hungerford Arcade has been voted the Best Antiques Centre in the UK, we were all very proud. Adrian and Hazel went to Bristol for the Award ceremony and had the Award presented to them by Kirsty Allsop. It was a very moving experience for them! All the times Adrian had worked alone twenty four hours a day inside the building setting out the little shops and the architecture around each unit, doing all the carpentry, painting, carpet laying and much, much, more, was and will continue to be loved and appreciated by all our customers. This is what makes Hungerford Arcade very special! Adrian and Hazel are very dedicated to their stallholders and the building, which is why there is such a friendly, happy, relaxed atmosphere which doesn't go unnoticed!
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Hungerford Arcade
Come to Hungerford Arcade this weekend and enjoy the wonders of this magnificent old building which dates back to the middle-ages! Explore the 115 different stallholder units and have something to eat or just a cup of coffee in the coffee shop up in the "Rafters". You could even see some famous celebrities!! Everyone loves Hungerford Arcade which is why it was voted the best in the UK and awarded a trophy by the BBC Homes and Antiques Magazine. So do come and see why, and have an enjoyable time.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Hungerford Arcade invited Terry Cooke of Hedgerow Honey Farm and Fiona Robinson of Fee's Bees to put on a wonderful display at the Hungerford Food Festival on Sunday. They setup their stall outside the Arcade and pretty soon had the crowds buzzing!! They brought along a queen and nuclei in a glass hive and lots of delicious honey, on the comb as well as in jars. They had beeswax on the table so people could make their own candles, pieces of old honeycomb, bees nests as well as wasp nests. Terry gave a wonderful talk on the lifecycle of the bee and the process of honey making from the bee to the jar! Terry and fee do special events for children, visiting schools, the Womens' Institute, the Scouts, cubs and more. They cover a radius of Berkshire and Wiltshire. They also do large and small scale pollination. Terry and Fee sold lots of honey and people were asking where it can be bought locally but unfortunately, at the moment, they do not have any retailers locally, but are very keen to find an outlet! Terry and Fiona can be contacted at:
Terry Cooke
Hedgerow Honey Farm (No address available. Can be contacted through Fee)
Tel: 07779 945326
Fiona Robinson
Fee's Bees
118 London Road
Wiltshire SN11 OAH
Tel: 07966 362850
Fax: 08700527937
Friday, 21 September 2012

Visit Hungerford Arcade this weekend and browse the wonders of the Arcade and get to know why everyone loves it! The building itself is stunning, dating back to the middle-ages! You will find the most amazing things to buy from our 115 different units. We have visitors from all over the world, many of whom return to us year after year! Do come and enjoy yourselves and stop off at the cafe in the Rafters of the Arade. It is quite amazing. Don't forget Sunday is the finale of the Hungerford Food Festival with many great events. We have Terry and Fee coming with their live bees and delicious honey and Terry will be giving a talk on the life-cycle of the honey bee - amazing! It is a great place for a family day out, so don't miss it!
Visit Hungerford Arcade this weekend and browse the wonders of the Arcade and get to know why everyone loves it! The building itself is stunning, dating back to the middle-ages! You will find the most amazing things to buy from our 115 different units. We have visitors from all over the world, many of whom return to us year after year! Do come and enjoy yourselves and stop off at the cafe in the Rafters of the Arade. It is quite amazing. Don't forget Sunday is the finale of the Hungerford Food Festival with many great events. We have Terry and Fee coming with their live bees and delicious honey and Terry will be giving a talk on the life-cycle of the honey bee - amazing! It is a great place for a family day out, so don't miss it!
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Hungerford Arcade is looking forward very much to the Hungerford Food Festival grand finale on Sunday, 23rd September! There will be the Thames Valley Farmer's Market, together with lots of other stalls and tables stretching passed Hungerford Arcade. There will be lots going on in Hungerford Town Hall where amongst many other things, there will be a cooking competition with top chefs and reporter, John Garvey from Newbury Weekly News. Of course, there will be masses of delicious food everywhere together with great fun and activities for the children!
Hungerford Arcade has arranged for Fee and Terry to bring along some of their live bees and lots of honey! Fee and Terry's delicious, natural honey has been on sale in the Arcade all this week! Terry will be giving a fascinating talk on the life-cycle of the honey bee, so please come along, you will be amazed!
People entering the Food Quiz, must hand their forms into Hungerford Arcade together with the quiz fee of 50p. There are spare forms for anyone who wishes to enter.
Hungerford Arcade looks forward to seeing you and hope that you all have a fantastic time
Hungerford Arcade has arranged for Fee and Terry to bring along some of their live bees and lots of honey! Fee and Terry's delicious, natural honey has been on sale in the Arcade all this week! Terry will be giving a fascinating talk on the life-cycle of the honey bee, so please come along, you will be amazed!
People entering the Food Quiz, must hand their forms into Hungerford Arcade together with the quiz fee of 50p. There are spare forms for anyone who wishes to enter.
Hungerford Arcade looks forward to seeing you and hope that you all have a fantastic time
Monday, 17 September 2012
Hungerford Arcade: Comic Valuation Day
Adam Thompson (unit 50) Hungerford Arcade held a comic valuation day on Saturday. It was a great success. Thank you Adam and all the people who came along.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Sunday, 9th September, Hungerford Arcade held its Anniversary Celebrations. A very special visitor arrived, Peg Collins, who, with her husband, John, were the very first owners of Hungerford Arcade. John worked tirelessly to convert a grocery shop into an antiques centre. Over the years there have been many changes to Hungerford Arcade and its present owners, Adrian Gilmore and Hazel Browne have added their indelible stamp to the Arcade. Adrian has worked seven days a week and through the night to improve the Arcade to the wonderful experience that it is today! Members of the public arrived very early to join in the festivities. Children were given presents of old monetary coins in special envelopes with the history of old money. Inside the door of the Arcade was a large table with drinks and cake for everyone! The special guest, Jonty Hearnden, arrived at 1.00 p.m. he gave a wonderful speach about Hungerford Arcade and how very special it is in the world of antiques and collectables and called on the public to carry-on supporting the Arcade as they have done for many years, to raptuous applause. The public were enthralled! Jonty then cut the magnificent cake, much to the delight of everyone, signed autographs and then walked around the Arcade meeting people, signing more autographs and thoroughly enjoying himself. There were fourteen classic cars and their owners from the West Berkshire Vintage Classic Club which caused a lot of excitement and pleasure. The first to arrive was a beautiful and special black Daimler Drophead Coupe, (year to follow) one of two which was specially made. This one for the Norwegian Ambassador and the other for Marlene Detriech! A very old Post Office van (year to follow) also arrived outside the Arcade delivering special celebratory good wishes. The cars were lined up along the road and in the car park at the rear. They had a terrific day, raising money for their charity, Lukaemia & Lymphoma Reseach. Atwell-Wilson Motor Museum Trust at Calne also came and raised £100 for the Museum by selling raffle tickets, The prize is for a stunning 1979 Triumph Dolomite 1500 which will be drawn in December. This very special day at Hungerford Arcade will be remembered by everyone for a very long time,
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